Εσείς τι ξέρετε για το Gouda;

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What do you know about Gouda?

Good afternoon, everyone! Today I would like to introduce you to one of the best-known Dutch products, Gouda cheese (Dutch Haw-da, as opposed to Gouda as we commonly pronounce it in Greece).

The Netherlands is well known for its dairy products, and Gouda cheese is certainly one of the most famous cheeses. This cheese, which has become a household name all over the world, is a reference point for yellow cheeses. Gouda comes from the town of the same name, which is first mentioned in texts dating back to 1139.

Those interested can visit the cheese market in Gouda on 14 April, and otherwise, on every Thursday until mid-September.

In this picturesque town, you can see cheese trading, traditional costumes and much more. If you want to learn more, visit the following websites: https://welcometogouda.com/cheese/gouda-kaasmarkt and https://www.goudakaasstad.nl/english/cheese-capital/.

The article with the information and amazing photos we have shared with you here comes from a very interesting website called iTravelling

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